The Temu App will only access certain device features with your permission
On iOS devices, the Temu App will only access your camera with your permission so that you can use it for item reviews, image searches, etc. On Android devices, the Temu App does not request permission to access your camera. You can still use the Android system's built-in camera app to take photos for leave a review, search items, etc., without Temu accessing your camera.
Only for iOS
Live Activities
Live Activities are a type of real-time push notification. It's an iOS feature that provide real-time updates from the lock screen and the dynamic island. You can enable it to get order updates, view payment statuses, etc.
Only for iOS
Enable notifications to get updates on your orders, learn about new promotions, etc. so we can provide you with a better shopping experience.
The Temu App DOES NOT access the following device features
The Temu App does not access your photos. You can still use your device's system's built-in image picker when leaving a review, searching for items, etc., without Temu accessing your photos.
In addition to the above permissions, The Temu App will not access any other permissions, such as calendars, etc.
In most countries/regions, such as the US, the UK, etc., the Temu App does not request access to your location. We only request location access from users in the Middle East to make it easier for users to accurately fill in their shipping address.
Temu believes in being transparent and requesting a minimal amount of permissions. You can also learn more about how we operate to protect our user's privacy in the Privacy policy, which includes details about how we handle information that does not involve requesting permission or personal privacy.