What is an authorization hold?

When you place an order, Temu contacts the issuing bank to confirm the validity of the payment method. Your bank reserves the funds until the transaction processes or the authorisation expires, but it isn't an actual charge.

Some banks call authorizations "pending" or "processing" charges. For more information on their specific policies regarding authorizations, contact the issuing bank.

Some authorization reasons:

Purchase authorizations: When you place an order, we contact your bank for a purchase authorization. We do it to verify your card or checking account but don't actually charge you until the order ships. Some banks may hold funds in your account for these authorizations even if the order is canceled. Orders from our Marketplace sellers may be charged at the time of purchase.


Unused authorizations are always canceled, and will be released according to your card issuer's policy.

Contact your bank for further assistance with authorizations. They can clarify unavailable funds and how long they hold payment authorizations for online orders.

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