Where is my order ID?

Your order number always starts with 'PO.' You may find your order ID number in one of the following ways:

- Reference your email confirmation to find your order ID in the email subject line.

- If you enabled text message tracking for your order, you can reference your past texts to see your order ID listed at the beginning of each message.

- From Temu.com, sign into your account. Click into your user avatar in the top righthand corner. From the lefthand menu, under 'Your orders', click into 'All orders.' Your order ID can be found directly under each order entry.

- From the Temu mobile app, sign into your account. Click into your user avatar at the bottom of your screen. Select 'Your orders' from the menu and click the specific order you are having trouble with. Your order ID is shown at the top of the order details page.

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