If your order has already been packed, you will not be able to make any changes or modifications to your order. Please wait for your items to arrive and then submit a return and refund request for the items you don't wish to keep.
If your order has not been packed yet, you can still add or cancel items in your order, but you are not able to edit existing items.
Please follow the steps below to cancel or add items from the Temu app or Temu.com.
Temu App
1. Sign into your account
2. Select the user avatar at the bottom of the screen and click 'Your orders' from the main menu
3. Find the relevant order under 'All Orders' and click "Cancel/Other help" or "Add more items to order"
4. Follow the instructions on the screen to cancel or add more items.
1. Sign into your account
2. Click the user avatar in the top right corner of the screen and click 'Your orders' from the lefthand menu
3. Find the relevant order under 'All Orders' and click "Cancel/Other help" or "Add more items to order"
4. Follow the instructions on the screen to cancel or add more items.